
I am Agustín (ah-goo-steen).
Most people call me Augie.

I am a web developer with over 15 years of experience.


About Me

A long time ago ago, I got my start on the web helping designers bring their ideas to life in Flash. It was my gateway to web development and in my opinion provided a good foundation in motion design, object oriented programming concepts, and component-based development. Today, these concepts still serve me well – albeit now in good old HTML, Javascript, and CSS. I enjoy working on everything from UX, design, and of course full-stack web development as well.

Tech Stack

I remember the dark ages before today’s great libraries and build systems existed, but I certainly do not yearn for them. Today, I use SASS (I prefer the SCSS flavor) for my CSS, ESLint for hurting my feelings, Webpack, Babel for building projects. My preferred JS flavor is ES6.

  • Node
  • Babel
  • jQuery
  • AngularJS
  • Pug.js
  • Stylus
  • HAML
  • GreenSock GSAP
  • Three.js
  • Zurb Foundation
  • Twig
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Firebase
  • PHP
  • Apache