Fun with HTML5 Canvas on Codepen

By Agustin July 22, 2013

I have been really into recently. Not only is it a great place to share fun snippets with others, it’s also a handy tool for sharing an idea with other developers or designers. It has helped a lot for working through concepts with others. I think my favorite thing about it is the environment the CodePen team has created, which in many ways is exactly the kind of IDE I think would be super useful to anyone who spends a lot of time messing around with html/css/js. Write code in one place – watch the effects take place right next to it. Perfection.

I have found so much inspiration and amusement looking at other people’s codes, I have decided to rewrite some of my favorite Processing sketches in Canvas.

Here is one of my all time favorites – it was even featured by the editors last week! Yay!


Check out this Pen!



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