Fritzing Sample Sketch

By Agustin April 11, 2011

Fritzing = spiffy

I was having a lot of trouble visualizing what I need to do to get some of the things I want to create all rigged up correctly on a breadboard, not to mention knowing what parts I need. I found this awesome site, which really helps! You can download their program, which lets you make super slick looking layouts visually (or as a schematic, if that is easier for you!). So at least now I can make professional looking circuits to show you guys, and hopefully someone can tell me if they will make teh robut asplode or not! To get the hang of it, I made a schematic for a little circuit I set up to play with an RGB LED.
Schematic after the bump!

Arduino Sample Sketch

This sketch pulsates the RGB channels on a LED at different rates. Button 1 lets you toggle channels on and off, and Button 2 changes the maximum intensity allowed.

To make this you need:

  • Arduino Uno
  • A breadboard
  • 1 RGB LED
  • 10 wires
  • Five 330 ohm resistors
  • Two pushbuttons

Layout your breadboard like this (thanks Fritzing)!

Here is the code for the little circuit.

This lets you mess with an RGB LED and Two buttons.
It is curently set up so that the brightness fluctuates

Cycles through the colors of a RGB LED

Based on RGB_LED_Color_Fade_Cycle.pde
Written for SparkFun Arduino Inventor's Kit CIRC-RGB

/* VERBOSE? Prints to serial monitor */
const boolean VERBOSE = true;
// LED leads connected to PWM pins
const int RED_LED_PIN = 3;
const int GREEN_LED_PIN = 5;
const int BLUE_LED_PIN = 6;

/* Button pins */
const int BTN_1_PIN = 8;
const int BTN_2_PIN = 9;

/* Thresholds for intensity of LED */

const int MAX_INTENSITY = 255; //Full brightness
const int MIN_INTENSITY = 5; //Minimum Brightness

// Used to store the current intensity level of the individual LEDs
int redIntensity = 0;
int greenIntensity = 0;
int blueIntensity = 0;
// All of those levels are controlled by this one. See the loop code.
int intensity = 255;
//Channel on/off state - 0 = off, 1 = on
int redState = 1;
int greenState = 1;
int blueState = 1;

//The bounced the master intensity between MIN_ and MAX_INTENSITY
int dir = -1;

//This variables represents time - +1 each tick. Used for Trig.
int t = 0;

// Length of time we spend showing each color
const int DISPLAY_TIME = 50; // In milliseconds

/* States to toggle thru RGB on/off */
int states[6][3] = {{0,0,1},
int currState = 5; //Set to the one above, all colors on.
int numStates =6;

//Used to cause the button to make an action once each time it is pressed.
boolean btn1_DOWN = false;

void setup() {
pinMode(BTN_1_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(BTN_2_PIN, INPUT);

void loop() {
int btn1 = digitalRead(BTN_1_PIN);
int btn2 = digitalRead(BTN_2_PIN);

/*Change active colors
Only do this once each time the button is pressed and released
if(btn1 == LOW) {

btn1_DOWN = true;

} else if(btn1 == HIGH){

if(btn1_DOWN == true) {

btn1_DOWN = false;


if (currState == numStates) {
currState = 0;

redState = states[currState][0];
greenState = states[currState][1];
blueState = states[currState][2];

if (VERBOSE) {
Serial.print("::: redState ");
Serial.print(" greenState ");
Serial.print(" blueState ");

Changed continuously while button is pressed.
if(btn2 == LOW) {
if (dir == -1) {
if(intensity <= MIN_INTENSITY) { intensity = MIN_INTENSITY; dir = 1; } } else { intensity+=5; if(intensity >= MAX_INTENSITY) {
intensity = MAX_INTENSITY;
dir = -1;
if (VERBOSE) {
Serial.print(" INTENSITY::");
//Use trig functions to make the channels pulse at different rates.
redIntensity = abs(int(intensity * sin(t*0.01)));
greenIntensity = abs(int(intensity * cos(t*0.02)));
blueIntensity = abs(int(intensity * sin(t*0.03)));

analogWrite(RED_LED_PIN, redIntensity * redState);
analogWrite(GREEN_LED_PIN, greenIntensity * greenState);
analogWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, blueIntensity * blueState);




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