Funky Face

By Agustin August 26, 2011

Just a fun Friday post for y’all! I was experimenting with making a temporary enclosure out of foam core, and here is my masterpiece! Heh well, maybe not quite, but I like that is actually has a bit of personality. Not very balanced though.. he kinda wobbles around like a drunken robot.

I have a big, hilarious plan for him which is still secret for now, but let’s just say the Spiduino is getting a really nifty and mischievous ability in the next few days, involving IR transmission. I think you guys will really like it! I am expecting some really awesome material to arrive next week which will allow me to sculpt the body by hand, IN PLASTIC! Man, I love technology.


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Hailey says

Awesome! I can't wait. :P Oh, since it is already sept. 13, is it done yet?