Project Scope Updated

By Agustin May 2, 2011

Since I started out on this project, several things have changed, so I have updated the project plan accordingly.
I would say that the main changes have been the relative ease of setting up the robot to get moving on it’s own (once you know what to do), my increased comfort level with hooking up hardware, and the very inspiring sight of the robot clumsily navigating it’s environment, and the reaction of people who see it move.

While simply turing the robot into a more advanced RC toy, the real interesting thing to me now is the idea of creating a program that brings the platform to life, simulating some sort of sentience. I like the idea of the robot as a pet. I have not totally ditched the idea of making the robot remote controlled, I have just decided that should be a secondary goal, the primary one being to turn it into some sort of weird little companion pet.

Check out About This Project above to see the new plan!



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