
Busted Leg/A Look at the Drivetrain

Well, my first Hexbug hiccup happened a few days ago, and tonight, I managed to fix it. Basically one of the joints on the lower set of legs popped out of it's socket, after some horsing around with my little…

Controller Assembly and Testing Complete!

I was able to solder everything on my Joystick Shield controller, and test it in both Arduino and Processing! Huzzah! Read More

Deconstructing the Hexbot Spider – Step 1

Today I popped open the Hexbug Spider to see what was inside. I was mainly interested in seeing how it is powered and have a closer look at the gears and motor inside. One of my first goals is to…

Controller Parts Fit Test

Today I put together my Arduino Joystick shield, primarily to fulfill my desire to see this thing and push it's buttons, but also to see how well the parts fit together and see if I can do this sort of…