
Shrinking the Guts
Watching ol' Spazzie run around, it is obvious to me that the key to making him better, and in fact allowing more to be done with him technically (like adding a joystick to control him with, and XBees to allow…
Arduino Hexbug Spider Version 1.3
Quick update! Not much new under the hood, except that I have tried to calculate the movements of the robot so that I can limit them to 60 degrees at a time(take ~340 ms) when it turns. Externally, I got…
Version 1.2 Is Active
Front view of new build I began to see that one big problem I was having was the huge sandwich of silicone, wires on top of the robot were really messing it up! It could not balance well, and some…
Thoughts on the Robot and an LCD “Face”
The more I mess with the robot, the more I realize that the thing I love about the original design is that it has an innate personality. When you see one of these things sitting there, it has this very…

Project Scope Updated
Since I started out on this project, several things have changed, so I have updated the project plan accordingly. I would say that the main changes have been the relative ease of setting up the robot to get moving on…
First big breakthrough! It’s Alive!
Huzzah! I am so pumped! Last night I got the Hexbug Spider running off the Arduino! WITH some primitive obstacle avoidance! Wooooot! Check the videos below - and yes, I know the camera work is crappy, I really need a…
Status Update 4/25
Long Overdue Update I have been meaning to update the blog for several days now, and I had a huge, long winded post in the works going over my plans for what kind of parts I was going to buy,…
Fritzing Sample Sketch
Fritzing = spiffy I was having a lot of trouble visualizing what I need to do to get some of the things I want to create all rigged up correctly on a breadboard, not to mention knowing what parts I…